Hahahahs, blur me forgot to wish
my readers a happy happy new year!
Hope your 2009 would be much much much better than 2008!
Mine didn't start off that well!
I think i've got food poisoning! -.-
I finally bought a new phone with my carshow pay two days ago,
Boyf have been complaining about my phone
for like, the longeeeest time.
...nag nag nag nag nag... heheh
heheh. I bought the LG KF350 Ice cream phone.
Now i've got like the most bimbotic phone ever.
The functions are simple and pretty blah-ish
and the camera doesn't even have flash. lol
(I'm getting a new camera soon, so i don't mind!)

Obviously, i've got the one in babypink!
Now it's super mitchy matchy with my DS LITE.
Hehehe, i'm still thinking if i should bling it.

the other day i saw the movie poster for Marley & Me.
I read the book last year and it always make me
cry at the end of the book! So sad. ):
The trailer made me laugh! Hahahas.
You should get the book if you haven't read it,
it's really funny.
Day 3 at the carshow:
Torture maaaaan, we were sooooo bored!
there wasn't even anyone at the carshow. lol
okay maybe a couple of them, but.. zZz..
so we sat in the car, thank god i brought a book along,
and my DS lite for jessica the smelly!

... not that we're slacking..
there's really nobody around.. lol.

Ended work even earlier, Fam came to pick us up at 5plus,
went home, shirley asked me out for a movie
but fel couldn't come along cos she was rushing her assignments!

We went to watch Ip Man!
Heh, Shirley told the ticketing person:
" Two tickets for i-p man."
instead of Ip Man :x
And very sway luh, i went to queue up for cupcorn,
then the previous two couple all buying cupcorn,
When it's my turn, "oh sorry, just sold out!"
Then when we were getting our tickets,
when it's finaaaaally our turn,
the ticketing machine run out of paper!
then nevermind.. wait wait wait, put in more paper,
then wait wait wait.. NO MORE INK?!
So the ticketing guy gave us this:
Super special ok! You have or nooooooot?! -.-
Hehee, no work the next day cos jess said she's sick,
so i'm off the hook as well! *super happy*
Boyf picked me up, went to hougang mall for lunch
and picked up my package from the post office
Went to boyf's house, and i bling-ed my teenie weenie mp3 player!
It's so pretty and super blingy now!

Received two packages!

From my ASOS spree,
Got a pair of black capri pants:

Grey Raw Hem shorts:

From my Gmarket spree:

Got some stuff from Etude,
and Laneige STAR WHITE essence.
I didnt really like the eyeshadow,
it's super shimmery, yes.
But, not really pigmented!
The Gel liner from Etude is not bad!
But i haven't tried swimming with it on or whatever before,
hehe, but so far so good!
I love the Peach Water Gloss, I got it in shade: Strawberry Milk!
The packaging is really pretty & has a doe-foot applicator.
Has a sweet peachy scent which i really love!
colour is pigmented too, not like those sheer glosses.
But it's not very long-lasting thou, maybe because
it smells so yummy i keep licking the gloss off! Heheh.
I just ordered a pair of gold-bling flats from gojane.com!
Omg, i love it! Hope it reaches me faaaaast~

Okay, gotta gooooo!
Sayonara, Loves! (:
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